Habitat Project

Lower Mill Creek Habitat and Passage Assessment and Strategic Action Plan

The Lower Mill Creek Assessment and Strategic Action Plan were developed to compile existing data and limiting factors for Mill Creek and to create a broad-based approach for determining long-term management scenarios for the future of Mill Creek.

The purpose of the Assessment is to consolidate all of the existing data, reports, and input from agencies, organizations, and other stakeholders, and to identify historic and existing conditions, current problems and opportunities, and possible future conditions of the lower portions of the Mill Creek drainage, into one resource document. The results of the Assessment will be used to develop a Strategic Action Plan that can serve as a broad-based common vision for the future of the lower portions of the Mill Creek drainage. The CTUIR is undertaking the Assessment to assess existing conditions in the Mill Creek watershed and to use that information to propose actions for improving conditions for fish while maintaining or improving flood control.

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

Project Funders

Funder Funding Amount
Bonneville Power Administration$273,402
Department of Ecology$150,000

File Library

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Lower Mill Creek Assessment and Action PlanWWR_LowerMillCr_FinalHabitat&PassageAssessment&SAP_CTUIR_June2017.pdfUploaded file WWR_LowerMillCr_FinalHabitat&PassageAssessment&SAP_CTUIR_June2017.pdf
Mill Creek looking downstream from the Diversion Dam (2).pdfMill Creek looking downstream from the Diversion Dam (2).pdfUploaded file Mill Creek looking downstream from the Diversion Dam (2).pdf

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