Habitat Project

Touchet Geomorphic Assessment and Restoration Prioritization Plan

The Touchet River Geomorphic Assessment Project is the product of a progressive community-wide collaboration to improve habitat for ESA listed steelhead and bull trout while simultaneously exploring ways to attenuate flood risk to the community.

The framework of this project was developed so site-specific river/floodplain restoration opportunities are identified within the context of watershed processes. To support the established framework; GeoEngineers’ multi-disciplinary team was retained to conduct a preliminary geomorphic assessment of the watershed upstream of the Highway 12 Bridge, prioritize potential restoration reaches throughout the watershed, and develop conceptual restoration solutions for an approximately 2 mile “Implementation Reach.” Guidance for this work was further developed over the course of several meetings with the Columbia County Levee Round Table Group (LRTG) and the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board’s Regional Technical Team (RTT), which are represented by local, state, and Federal government agencies as well as private landowners and non-profit organizations. This report serves as a foundation for future restoration planning and also provides conceptual restoration details for the top priority reach.

Project Lead: Columbia Conservation District (CCD)

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

No funders found.

File Library

Title File Description
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix A - Project Area and Reach Overview_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix A - Project Area and Reach Overview_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix B - VSP_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix B - VSP_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix C - Hydrology_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix C - Hydrology_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix D - Hydraulic Modeling_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix D - Hydraulic Modeling_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix E - Floodplain Connectivity Analysis_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix E - Floodplain Connectivity Analysis_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix F - Channel Complexity Analysis_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix F - Channel Complexity Analysis_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix G - Excess Transport Capacity_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix G - Excess Transport Capacity_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix H - Webmap_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix H - Webmap_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix I - Prioritized Reaches Cut Sheets_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix I - Prioritized Reaches Cut Sheets_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix I - Prioritized Reaches Cut Sheets_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04_reduced.pdfUploaded file Appendix I - Prioritized Reaches Cut Sheets_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04_reduced.pdf
Touchet GARP Appendices September 2020Appendix J - Reaches Outside Prioritization_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Appendix J - Reaches Outside Prioritization_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf
Touchet Geomorphic Assessment and Restoration Prioritization Plan November 2011TouchetRiver_GeomorphicAssessmentReport_Nov2011.pdfUploaded file TouchetRiver_GeomorphicAssessmentReport_Nov2011.pdf
Touchet Geomorphic Assessment and Restoration Prioritization Plan September 2020Touchet_GA_RP_Report_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdfUploaded file Touchet_GA_RP_Report_DRAFT-FINAL_2020-09-04.pdf

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Touchet GARP Cover PhotoUploaded file Touchet_GARPphoto1.JPG